Thursday 4 December 2014

Broken Bones

Hey guys !

So some of you guys may or may not already know that I play hockey. And sadly I broke my ankle at the game we were playing on Saturday. After going through the long process of getting my ankle checked out in A&E they confirmed that it was broken and I now have to wear a “moon boot” for support, and I have to use crutches and a wheelchair to get around. They said I would be in the boot for “a while” and that eventually everything should go back to normal, but that in the meantime I should take the painkillers they prescribed to me.

When most people think of crutches they think of having fun and being able to swing about and try all sorts of cool tricks… and that is true – when you’re using them without an injury- but let me tell you trying to walk using crutches with a massive boot on (not to mention the fact that my ankle is very sore) is not easy; And it’s certainly not fun. Although I don’t really enjoy all of this, I actually consider myself quite lucky, it could have easily been much, much worse, I could have needed surgery, a cast… and I have to remember that there are people out there who would be so happy to have the ability to walk at all.

Now that you have some idea of what is wrong with me I thought I would share some of my thoughts on this experience so far-

I have been absolutely devastated that I am now unable to dance in my dance schools yearly performance. I have been in this show since I was at least 6 and this is the first year I will have to miss one since joining the school. I am still going to help my friends out behind stage when I can… but more than anything I want to be on stage with them.

It’s my school’s Christmas Dance on Tuesday. I am going but I will be impressed if I can make it through the entire night. Obviously I am unable to participate in much dancing, but I hope I can make do. In the end I think it will be fun, and I’m kind of looking forward to attempting to “pull of” a dress with a moon-boot on.

My main focus is to try and remain positive throughout this experience; I know that eventually my ankle will get better. And I hope that this experience will allow me to appreciate the little things in life more.

Wish me luck xx Alison xx

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